Using SoftSpire vCard Converter, you can import VCF to Excel in easy steps.
Import VCF to Excel v.3.5 Are you searching for solution to import multiple VCF files to Excel ? Then rely on SoftSpire VCF to Excel Converter to convert and import VCF files to Excel in one batch. The software has unique features that helps users to convert CSV files created in MS Excel, Libreoffice, OpenOffice, etc. DRS CSV to vCard Converter v.21.12 DRS CSV to vCard Converter is a risk-free online tool that is helpful in performing CSV to VCF conversion tasks with ease. This is the old fashion way and sometimes it turns out to be unsatisfactor.
Batch PDF to Excel Converter v.2.7.0 When talking about "PDF to Excel", you might think of convert the whole document in *.pdf format into *.xls format file.
PRN to excel xls or csv or tab Files, it can process thousands of files within several minutes, it is a standalone tool, and doesn’t require MS Excel to be installed.
Fast PRN to Excel Converter v.2.0 Fast PRN to Excel Converter can convert.